Melly seemed to be a fantastically decadent old fashioned jazz bohemian and I'm torn between being upset about his death and thinking that it may be something of a blessing that he died whilst he was still mostly copus mentus as he has been beginning to suffer from dementia and for a super smart intellectual quickwit can't be comfortable with the idea of losing control in that way. I wonder if that's why he's been refusing treatement for his cancer. Or maybe he was just being contrary. Both seem possible.
Anyway... that's what's on my mind now. Yesterday was much happier though as Alan Johnstone was released by his kidnappers and I can't believe how cheery that made me.
Also making me happy: a fun July 4th evening of jello and fried chicken and good company albeit with it's own slightly sad goodbye - this time to Joey who's about to return to the states. Angela we get to hang onto for another week or so but it's sad they are going at all. We'll miss em and I think we've decided we'll visit them when they are safely ensconced in Bloomington, Indiana, for Joey's PhD.
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