The Queef of Terrance - Olivia Poulet and Sarah Solemani (5.40pm, 10Dome, Pleasance Dome)
This was the god awful show. Two gals who've taken "renaissance literature and tv presenting" at their polytechnic combine both in this spoof pilot chat show. Only it's really not nearly as much fun as it thinks it is. All three actors are very employable and not at all bad but the writing is atrocious (and I suspect writers and actors are one and the same on this one) and the attempt to crowbar topical stories in is cack handed as it pulls all the humour out. Not that it would have to, it just does here in the realm of relying on comedy accents and hairdos rather than funny material. At £8.50 a ticket it's not cheap enough to forgive and since we saw it a week into it's run I'm more than a little horrified that they hadn't tightened up timing or rejigged the material a bit. NOT recommended. With bells on.
Next to see:
Rhona Cameron, Teviot Gilded Balloon, 8pm tonight
Eurobeat, Pleasance Grand, 9.45pm tonight
Failed States, Pleasance Dome, 3.20pm, Saturday? (we haven't booked but we'll probably head there)
Tony Blair the Musical, Teviot Gilded Balloon, ?? Sunday
And then the film festival really gets going...
In the mean time Heather wants a new haircut and seeing myself in the mirror just now I would say I need one quite severely...
Watch this space for more fringe, film and t'other updates...
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