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Saturday 14 March 2009

BarCamp Session 3 - My own (maybe!)

Veryifing and reusing information is what I want to discuss...

Two folks showed up and we had a good chat about verifying/reviewing/qualifying websites/online objects and how this might work. Talk of social bookmarking sites, social networking, geolocations, hyper local content etc. followed and we sketched out an idea that would use the APIs of other sites to combine into a "Social Web of Trust" idea which would build on existing social content as well as including ways of showing how trusted or accurate a site was. The idea comes from my own thoughts about reusing webpages or web objects for academic use and how you verify the source of that data without having to curate everything one site at a time. One of my two co-discussers is going to take forward the idea and experiment with it. More news as and when...

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