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Saturday 14 March 2009

BarCamp Session 5 - Squeak Smalltalk

This was a small but interesting session about the operating system/programming language/useful idea that is Squeak Smalltalk which is built on Smalltalk - a gui developed at Xerox Park back in the late 70's/early 80s. Squeak smalltalk is powerful but it is so adaptable that it was quite difficult to demonstrate (especially as there were problems with connecting laptop to projector).

We saw the "morphic interface" and the editing and programming of objects. Also saw Croquet - a virtual world built on smalltalk in a very SL way. Interesting but at an alpha development stage at the moment so not easy to see.

More practically Scratch - a basic and very widely used visual programming tool - is built on Squeak Smalltalk, and Sophie - an ebooks authoring tool is also built on Squeak Smalltalk.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Though Smalltalk is not that popular these days, there is a new renaissance in Smalltalk development, thanks to Squeak.I went through many sites of the Smalltalk and agree with all the supporters of Smalltalk. The more I learn about Smalltalk and Squeak the more I’m impressed. In the process of my learning I have collected some good sites (more than 200) related to Smalltalk and Squeak (lessons, tutorials and programming). If you are interested take a look at the below link.
200 sites to know about smalltalk programming

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